2024 Action Fund Voter's Guide General Election

Action Fund Endorsements* for the General Election

*Endorsements are different from recommendations. MVCC Action Fund endorsements are reserved for those candidates who are truly champions of protecting our natural environment and rural character and who lead effectively on these issues. Even if a race does not feature an endorsed candidate, MVCC Action Fund works to recommend the best candidate running in every race because local elected officials--from the school board to the statehouse -- affects our future.

Okanogan County Public Utility District Commissioner:
MVCC Action Fund endorses Lauren McCloy.

Lauren is exactly what we need at this exact right time. The PUD commission has been historically led by old, white men - large landowners with a business interest at stake. As we face multiple crises it is time for a fresh face with creative and innovative ideas to lead us into a future that will help our community become resilient in the face of climate change. Lauren is clearly the woman for the job. After reading her responses to our questionnaire, you will have no doubt that she is HIGHLY QUALIFIED to lead the PUD.

Commissioner for Public Lands:
MVCC Action Fund endorses Dave Upthegrove

The Commissioner of Public Lands oversees the Department of Natural Resources and has a profound impact on how our water, forests, salmon and shorelines are managed throughout Washington State. Dave Upthegrove has decades of experience in natural resources and environmental policymaking. He understands that we need “transformational change” at DNR and is prepared to move the agency towards harnessing natural climate solutions to fight climate change. Upthegrove’s knowledge of forestry issues and emphasis on sequestering carbon in forests could help push the agency towards a forest management strategy that emphasizes restoration and carbon sequestration.

Action Fund Recommendations for the General Election

County Commissioner District #1:
MVCC Action Fund recommends Nick Timm.
Timm is bright, informed, solution oriented, and data-driven. And while we might not agree on all the issues, we believe he has the character to make a good community-minded public servant that will serve ALL of Okanogan County. We have serious concerns about his opponent, Marc Doney and believe he will be a polarizing figure on the County Commission. His attacks on the LGBTQ community, his involvement with armed militia at a local rally, and the many statements on his social media page are troubling.
State Legislative District #7, Position 1: 
MVCC Action Fund recommends Soo Ing-Moody.
Our former mayor of Twisp, Soo Ing Moody has proven herself to be a great leader through challenging times and has delivered consistent results. We also note that Ing Moody's opponent Engell is a divisive candidate, using inflammatory and false rhetoric to push a far-right agenda that does not represent the diversity of viewpoints in the district.
State Legislative District #7, Position 2: 
MVCC Action Fund recommends Paul "Rocky" Dean.
Dean is running as a moderate Democrat, and while he may have uphill race in the very conservative 7th District, we feel Dean has the community interest at heart and has the vision and ability to lead. Dean’s top priorities include veteran support, accessible health care, sufficient funding for public schools, and addressing the unique challenges faced by Washington’s small towns. 

You can learn more about where the candidates stand on issues around the land, water, air and climate of Okanogan County by reading responses to our candidate questionnaire from the August primaries.

Action Fund Endorsements for Initiatives

No on 2117

If passed this November, Initiative 2117 would remove billions of dollars of key investments into our local communities including local funding for:

  • Forest health and fuels reduction

  • Improving air quality in disadvantaged communities

  • Reducing utility costs and funding energy efficiency upgrades for low- and middle-income families

  • Clean energy and EV charging infrastructure

  • Salmon recovery

Initiative 2117 is bankrolled by multi-million-dollar hedge fund manager Brian Heywood and seeks to strip away the Climate Commitment Act, a key part of meeting our statewide goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 95% by 2050.

A vote for I-2117 would be a free pass for the state’s largest and most polluting corporations and a raw deal for our local communities, workers and families. The harm that I-2117 would cause has brought together a broad and diverse state coalition of over 500 organizations and Tribal Nations united in opposition. This coalition includes small business owners, farmers, leading companies, doctors, nurses, labor unions, and environmental leaders.

Other Initiatives

Recommend No votes on I-2109, I-2066 and I-2124.

In this election, Brian Heywood hasn’t only sought to gut the best climate legislation we’ve ever had. With I-2109 he’s trying to abolish the state Capital Gains Tax (different that the federal Capital Gains Tax), paid by only the richest 0.02 percent of residents in Washington. Only 13 people paid this tax last year in Okanogan County and its three surrounding counties. Removing this tax would slash $2.2 billion in funding for schools and childcare over the next five years while transferring the tax burden to low- and middle-income folks who can’t afford it. The other two initiatives funded by Heywood: I-2066 would jeopardize energy efficiency programs for low-income communities while increasing energy bills; I-2124 would eliminate the Washington state long term care insurance program. As you cast your vote on these initiatives consider who they will help and who they’ll harm: they’ll bestow a big tax break to wealthy corporations and individuals while transferring the burden of paying for essential services onto low-and middle- income folks who can’t afford it. It’s a price we can’t afford to pay.

Remember to get in your ballot by November 5! In a small election like this, every vote counts!

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