The Methow Valley Citizens Council Action Fund (a 501c4 organization) is a newly formed affiliate of the Methow Valley Citizens Council (a 501c3 organization). The Action Fund was created in August of 2020 to develop and advocate for legislation, policies, programs, and public officials that protect and improve the natural environment and rural quality of the Methow Valley and Okanogan County as a whole. We work to ensure that Okanogan County residents act as stewards of the natural world so that future generations can enjoy the same wonders as we currently enjoy. The Action Fund is committed to making sure all people in the Methow Valley have a healthy environment and a strong, sustainable economy.
To that end, we work to:
Help the voice of Methow citizens be heard
MVCC Action Fund deploys people power to elect environmentally responsible candidates to office and achieves significant policy wins to protect the qualities that make the Methow Valley a wonderful place to live, work, and play. We collaborate with other community organizations with similar goals.
Hold our elected leaders accountable
MVCC Action Fund holds elected officials accountable and uses science, policy expertise, and constituent pressure to drive smart decisions by elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels.
Address environmental justice and advance racial equity
We cannot achieve environmental justice without racial, social, and economic justice. MVCC Action Fund is committed to ensuring that all people have the right to breathe clean air, drink clean water, live free of dangerous levels of toxic pollution, have access to the natural world, and share the benefits of a prosperous and vibrant clean economy.
Current Board Members: Tom Jones (chair), Maggie Coon (vice chair), Peter Morgan (Treasurer), Betsy Weiss (Secretary), Joseph Miller, Catherine Hennings